Images -
Poster Image / Style frame
jpeg / still
to use on homepage - website.
  Purchase order

projection -
Cloth - canvas.

Prints - paper
} S  

[student email

Hi Becca,



Hi Lisa,


It was nice to see you at Huddersfield earlier.

I didn't say hello, I don't think I did, I can't remember - I don't think I spoke (I wanted to put my hood up. - also I liked your

In m y hand
I was holding a new tape
three things.

Fishing lin wire - for an exhibition I am
doing with the motion graphics club.
I can forw

(I'm frightened -
that's what I thought when I
saw you.


The language of the archives

hyphenation, and punctuation.

html exploration -
special characters.

Reference and archiving systems and structures>.

Dewey, and alternatives.

      I've got stuck. Important-

A new tape measure -
apple green, for measuring and precision.
5 metres long.

Important - new archiving cards, in four
colours, like the one that I sent to you,
a bit bigger. the yellow ones are
my favourites

I have signed up for Ukrainian Saturday
School - to learn about 'Ukrainian Language
and Culture' - at the Ukrainian Club, and
cultural centre, in Cheetham Hill, in

I told Anneke about it - we met, I asked her
after I met you, and you asked me if I
had spoken to Anneke, I asked her to
meet me, and we went to afternoon tea.
(stuck ) - Important - >