Hi Alison -

I collected the book, I got it just before it left.

Thank you so much, I completely love it.

I've had a quick look through - I'm
email to Stephen - Production Love meet up in May        
Putting Space into Action        
Hoe public and civic space - can be
put into action.

A practical response.

A series of city interventions exploring
themes of the city, and the rural.

Like forest stories

Stories of the city.
with reference to -

George Barber

a note about support allowance, travelling to Ukraine.

Common, shared space -
a video piece that develops, as a result of intervention, collaboration, or co-operation.

Common. themes and ideas. A set of common
characters or themes, motifs, that can be
publicly / internally related to - Jung
Anish Kapoor. An essay , or exploration.
Space for others, how he includes others, and
their experiences, in his work.

Kapoor - work as democratic. Space for the viewer,
their imagination and experiences.
Examples from, and in, motion graphics.
A piece of work, writing, or research-
about Anish Kapoor, Motion Graphics,
and the imagination.



Exploring ideas / how -
the –

Motion Graphics examples.
Le Meutre teaser.
Ambiguous, vague, enigmatic,
powerful, redused - evocative.

Create something that is almost completely
Still. Sculptural, designed to be experienced
physical, in 3-dimensions.


[text - Umli vim - unreadable ]

Vimlekerti Nadesha -
Book, reading, ideas about reading.
letting what needs to go in -
be absorbed.

Reading as a meditative act.

Messag(s) and meaning.
Stories. The told / unsaid